Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall Equinox 2011

Donna Lough: Sphinx
Paint on wood

DJB multiple mediums
reused, re-purposed fabrics and garments,

The fashionRIP Project art show is winding up today. This has been a great, informative and successful experience. (Sales not high but 7x the galleries previous record, so doing a lot right) However the real value of this event is in the relationships formed, the co-operative trump of the competition script and the general, uplifting applause for our work's scope, courage and attractiveness.

I have a bevy of comments and supportive reviews in my head and on paper; like spirit guides prompting me onward, i think this is how the path finds me and i find it. First take the educated, heartfelt risk, then seek the answer, no nets, no insurance and no boring, killer, comfort zones.

OK, a small oasis in between is bliss but it's funny how allergic one can get to staticity once one feels the zing of living "out loud." (E Zola)

With a resounding, exuberant Yes to the Universe, our first official meeting for next year's super gig is planned for the end of October. I will be contacting all "starred" people in the guest book and thank you! We can and will do better than this old Skool drive off the cliff.

The "biz as usual but more so" and the worse "just do it green" scenarios are all that fusty old paradigm has going for it. That is most unmindful and ignorant (as in read books, posts & articles on ecology, food, health, religion, watch Nova, Inside Job, search for truth, everywhere. It is obvious something is rotten and that something is a set of untrue beliefs. Forgive, let them go and move towards the light, it actually responds)

The "Species on the Verge & Other Works w/POV" was compared at least 2 times to Judy Chicago's "The Dinner Party" and my installation reminded a recent NYC MoMA visitor of the Alexander McQueen exhibit; mine was on par and or better than some of the 'scenes" in the museum. OK that is heady and braggadocio, but as the fashionRIP message is beyond fashion reDux, beyond visual appeal, way beyond "me" to a deep appeal for sanity in the real world, i am breathing it in and using the energy to buoy the water chapter.

With trust and gratitude, happy Equinox and namaste, the world is still a beautiful place.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Beautiful Poignant Show!!!
Thank you for putting it together Deb.
It resonates, I wish it could stay up a bit longer.
