Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Species on the Verge

hummingbird in the backyard, today!

I have been playing with this title for months and it finally dawned on me that this is IT!

Species on the verge of extinction juxtaposes with species on the verge of evolution -by conscious choice.

It was there all the time and yet elusive; as my mind got in the way and bossed me about, trying to convince me that i needed the full title to shout the losses.

But the reason for the RIP project is to highlight change as emancipating, caring, full of grace style and beauty, peaceful, creative, expanding and in our control. If we can imagine this kind of world we can create it.

The "us them world" the fear of the unknown, the greed of stuff and power...all that is rather moldery now, isn't it?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

the Westlake Valentine

"please forgive Seattle"
Another misunderstood local hero
ahead of his time.
but i remember what you told us
and miss what you didn't have time for.

L, deborah

Friday, February 13, 2009


Renee V photographer
is maximass.
With and an edit suite i am finally logging clips for the "Species on the Verge" video. It is very exciting, trust watching one's baby trying to stand up for the first time.

That is metaphoric, as pulling out of comfort zones is what gives us our next many people circle in routine safety they forget they were meant to grow and bloom and end up with shriveled limbs instead of wings. Why is that?

Happy Friday the 13th!