Tuesday, November 8, 2016

reFashion Workshops- Call for Co Creative Partners

What if every day was filled with more creativity, fun, informative gossip, more community bonding activities, more LIFE!

The RE: FASHION  Network is seeking a permanent home. We are inviting  partners, co-operators, mentors, students, innovators, artists, no sewers and yes sewers, teachers, runway walkers and photo enthusiasts and well PEOPLE.

Fashion has been dominated by a way of thinking that no longer feels appropriate, as Fast Fashion is doing more harm, way more harm, than good.

I am writing a book which will cover and "prove" * this and make suggestions for alternative fashionable visions and actualizations. Think local talent! and innovative creatives...re-use is just a start.

"Prove" is one of those tricky words that defy absolute reason. In this instance,  I am addressing the environmental, the physical and mental, the social and the philosophical realm by unraveling history in a way that exposes some really strange habits our species accepted as "normal."  Realizing how and why information travels through cultures makes this "normal" a very suspect collection of ideas and outcomes. Then the fun begins!
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/marcelprou107111.html

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."

Marcel Proust


Please emai me at faithinart04 at yahoo.com, thank you.


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/marcelprou107111.html


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/marcelprou107111.html

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Just Recycle that Waste

Another sustainable article that tries to ignore the elephant in the room.

It is hard to read these facts without wanting to scream.

There is no way humans can continue to play the old game of make it, sell it, exploit the world,  grow rich.

Rich in what?

The whol;e story is a bad joke and I am thinking we can do better and must!
excerpt from aan article a friend FYI'D

"The global textile industry is valued at over $1 trillion, ranking as the second largest industry in terms of intensity of trade. Textiles are also the fastest growing sector in household waste. Discounting and low retail prices over the last two decades have led to a dramatic increase in the consumption of clothing, with a resultant rise in textile waste from the consumer. More than three million tons of textiles are thrown away each year in the EU alone.

To address this growing challenge of textile waste, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland and Aalto University are participating in an EU project called Trash-2-Cash. The project brings together designers, researchers, materials suppliers and textile manufacturers from all over Europe to solve the problem by recycling and development of high-performance fibers."

from SocialEarth

I had a feeling before I read it that this article  played the "justification" tuneg. Like recycling in general,  it avoids the issue of too much stuff, too many humans and lack of diversity in the economic, resource construct!  

The smart discourse needs to take the larger picture and the details into focus at one time. This huge expansive vision is do-able if various experts got out of the safe, comfy zones and worked together to understand the complexities of what our species is facing. The old ego needs to step back, take a deep breath and leap into it's less defensive, open, vulnerable and loving side! 

If more people moved out from ideas of owner/worker,  class -I mean really -that is so made up to support its own "reality" and tunnel, linear focus this species might really prove itself incredible!

The entangled energies and possiblities that arrive in Quantum Physics, the natural cycles, evolution and diversity for healthy ecosystems that environmental sciences explore and learning how beliefs  program our lives and can be changed - this kind of knowledge, if spread more widely, would certainly help us re-imagine a world that follows heart, soul, gut wisdom and is aligned with the super reality of a living planet, uni-verse.

So let us proceed! 

So though this old hack of sensibility appears to be trying to maintain status quo utilizing  data and edited knowledge from the past, seems "normal" and comfortable it is not going to solve anything

Thank you!  I needed that.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bio -ability Surpasses Technology

connected to wild 2016 in process djb

Several centuries ago Sir Isaac Newton, (1642-1727) enchanted the world with his  theory of the mechanistic universe.

“For Newton the universe was a vast machine composed of interacting objects and could therefore be understood as a machine. Newton’s entire view of the universe was based on the concept of inertia. Inertia states that every object remains at rest until moved by another object and every object in motion stays in motion until stopped by another object. Newton’s mechanistic view of the universe was later applied to rationally understanding economics, history, politics and ethics.” (http://www3.gettysburg.edu/~tshannon/hist106web/site6/sir_isaac_newton.htm)

In popular culture,  the likes of the Bionic Man and Superman, the man of steel, carry on the story of the “better” human.   Women were not left out, consider the charming tales of the Bionic Woman; who else could be a match for the supreme male?

However our bodies are much more than mere machines. We now are beginning to understand  brain plasticity, the immune system, the mind, body, spirit connection, our bodies propensity for health and how life style choices and thoughts actually change our bodies from the outside in and the inside out!

And the biggest "better than"is that our bodies are informed, tuned and supported by a sensual  system that supercedes reason and emotion but interacts with both and the more of what is called life spark and consciousness. Being mindful of the energy the love-ability and the interconnection of energies will help us leap this quasi "reality" our species has erected from what is no longer looking so "mighty."


Friday, March 11, 2016

Journey to Center of Being

fashion into the next story and it is .....having its own way.
Must have something to do with ideas like this:

"beyond consciousness is the mind of nature or the heart , the life spark..as this was lost to our collective story in the apparently evolutional trend to control the feminine; we have much to learn about the relationship between the spark and consciousness (local and nonlocal) i believe this relationship is interactive and can deepen our appreciation of the actual life we live on this planet!. The 4th wave feminist theory of everything!!"

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Viv Westwood ..Thank you

"you can change the world, we are the people, we have to. "


Viv Westwood still going strong against the mainstream wind, pushing the tides of change. Doing right, standing tall and well still full of piss and vinegar. Strange phrase to mean "
feminine power"  but thanks to a world of domination, divide and unfounded arrogance, these thoughts float like wasps in the air of social history.

Viv for those who do not know was a punk designer who walked the fine line tween street and couture when there was a line  

Anyway being a hero for the Now Here year of 2016 takes more than words, it takes action and a New Story of who we are and what life means and why we cannot act like kids in toyland ny longer.

(I am working on that, feel free to chime in. Local activism can go beyond protest and create story that will help humans thrive in relationship to the whole life of a living sensual planet.  This is an all connected story. We know enough now to go forward with science, art and LOVE) 


Friday, January 1, 2016

Magazine ad on thick paper, collaged, tissue papered and then inked and painted... art fun from consumerist fall out. 2016 feels like the tipping point, the time for an evolved leap in consciousness and actualizations.  We can disengage from the trap of false beliefs and move towards the next dawn of realization. Here's to following love, and putting fear to rest. ( fear must be weary it has been at the "wheel' for ages!)