Saturday, September 22, 2018

Standard Myths

After reading, "Disrupting Hell:  Accountability for the Non-believer"

by Professor Clayton M. Christensen, Craig Hatkoff and Rabbi Irwin Kula  posted to the Off White Papers, I had to comment, however, I do not think that comment went through.  
That was a let down but then I remembered this little blog of mine and decided to pop it here.  As the fashionRIP Project has matured and changed it is still as a representation, a portrait of an  amorrphic construct, it makes sense it is a window from a specific angle, necessary in fathoming that new big picture.  Please read the article here:

what we see changes what we see

 “We argue that without a strong moral and ethical foundation civilization’s prospects for peace and prosperity will remain elusive and at some point simply founder.” (Disrupting Hell)

In the floundering and the chaos, she found her path. She broke the spell and a new day dawned. *

Civilization appears to be floundering, but not for want of a set of rigid rules or a belief package that is authored to power over others. The old default pattern of evolution (hierarchical organization) did its part but is no longer adequate. Our species survived, and our consciousness grew. That is the key, the gift we inherited. We now have the knowledge we need to be as the heroes we created. 

In all the scuffling and churning, the breeding and yearning, the human being has arrived. Perhaps our species has entered the TimeSpace moment it was 
seeking. We are at the threshold of a great new beginning if we choose to accept the challenge. That challenge involves a breaking from the past, not with anger and blame, but with understanding and appreciation. This is about facing truth and embracing emotions. We will grow when we accept who we really are, as individuals, as cultures, as a species.

Human ego claimed dominance over the six Biological Kingdoms of Life; God bless those Victorians! Now that metaphor looks dated, immature and simplistic. Food chains are webs, bodies are ecosystems, there are multiple alternatives to everything and though that buggers the old ideology, it is good for us. 

What happens if you visualize your life in a vast entangled field of energy, no marked rigid ups or downs, but with an exuberance of flow and transition? Here is where the life spark (observed when sperm enters egg in utero) takes on new meaning. It translates into a connected, interrelated, synchronistic, energetic story of being and doing human in a vast realm of all life. 

It explains the value of diversity and relativity, respects the social commons, embraces the gender spectrum, handles intricate nuances, deep roots and validates love. It sets up a broad narrative that explains the past and present, while it opens the future for a leap, not just another iteration. It is here that everyone’s unique potential really does matter. Imagine.

It is science backed, (replicable) yet retains the joy of the one-off, the special aha, the sensorial experience of each TimeSpace moment. I think we are poised to launch this new story from the whole of that which has gone before. I have been assembling an amorphic yet detailed outline, a pool of data and research that can be placed into many formats, but the sum also matters. Like natural evolution, it is a process open to infinite input (a rational form of growth) and it requires others to flourish. It fits the super reality of micro to macro and vice versa, it crosses lifelines, it is “teachable” and do-able in projects. It is an experiment in the greater possibility, of the individual and the collective; the juxtapose is relevant.  

So that’s a synopsis. I have volumes of notes and stories. It is helpful to riff off others as this is not well framed by old formats and i have found that too much at once is Too Much and people run away. 
*from a story in “Women Who Run With the Wolves” by Clarrissa Pinkola Estes

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