Thursday, April 2, 2009

YouTube Success

looks pretty, but evaporation isn't so good!
Water rip
chapter 2
Back from NYC and will put up some more photos very soon. Most will go to the Fashion Ethos site as more pertinent to those pesky ethical design issues.
However, the latest YouTube upload was deemed successful so the "Making of the Species on the Verge" should be available to view very soon and the link will go Here!

Bridgett and i thank you for your patience. djb

1 comment:

Astro Annie said...

Wow - at first glance those trees against that water fall back drop looked strikingly like that of the back drop you made for the set. Freakin' Twilight Zone...and/or Outer Limits material...get it, material :'). Now there's what I call seeing into the future of fashion!