Monday, August 25, 2014

It's the Story Part 2

Heartline Hand Vest worn here by her happy new caretaker.
& .she wears it so well!
thank you

 It's the Story -2

Protecting the self has been with our species (and others) since the dawn of consciousness. This relates to our personal births and to the whole of the population. Becoming aware of an "i am" means to be aware of a self both vulnerable and powerful.

With awareness came an expansion of  possibilities and the realization of having something to lose. It got personal really quick!

Survival of the fittest and similar thinking comes from a long ago place in "wake up" history. It served us for a time but is no longer appropriate. Now we have the capacity to understand that everything is connected to everything else and that in this "higher" vision, we are truly one.

The higher ground concept came from a battle scene, according to M Kaku in the book "Hyperspace."  The gang who took the hill had the ability to see the battle in a way those on the ground could not. What appeared as chaos in the midst, was seen as actions in need of orchestrating from the high ground vantage point. This allowed the hilltop gang  to create strategic next steps.

As we are simultaneously unique. wonderful "selfs" and "not" this can be a brain shake. Getting my head around this (and other) quirky juxtaposition- being simultaneously an individual and a part of the whole at once-  is  something that gets better with practice. I know this from shifts and then voila!

As we have the power to actualize our beliefs (a derivative of quantum physics -The observer affects the observation) and when this energy aligns with the juxtapose we can and will influence matter to manifest for the good of the "me" that is also the "us."  This extends to all of life on this planet and in tune with a living uni-verse (the vital energy connection). So why not go big in this new way? This is truly a next step responsible, loving, inclusive, healthy vision of power. This is Happy Place!

But dreaming isn't activating and i think we really have to rev up with that action stuff.

So saying  "...... we need a new story. It is hard to release the old one until a new one appears." (from "It's the Story" part one)

This is where it gets tricky. We usually don't recognize our acute abilities to dodge.  The "imaginary possible threats" are seen as real and justified from the aspect of tour old story that told us to run for cover or plan to fight. As one real and  imminent threat can became the source of many perceived threats it can appear to be wiser to be "safe" than "sorry."This is not fully true.

Superimpositions that color our lenses and distort true vision are part of our human OS.  Now that we are stuck to a past that cannot embrace the whole of life, we have to get bold and expand our reach and our smarts.

We have to utilize all of our new knowledge in order to weave a new story and upgrade our brains. The machine metaphor stops here. When we reboot the process must include total body awareness, hyper connectivity to all vital energy and instll a heightened sensual appreciation as ours has been  tarnished over the duration of "pure" rationalism.

This means we need brilliant threads from across all the fields and disciplines, cultures and traditions, stores, lore and myths.. We need to embrace that which appears as chaos and realize that this unruliness is vital and only appears to be scary  because we have not reached our "higher" ground.

In the course of change, we can start by knowing  that many of the stories that are  "us"  are faulty. As these flawed tales screw with our lives and are, i believe, inductive as to why change can appear to be difficult, even when ostensibly for the better, we just have to get in and clean up the mess.

In the vast territory of those many unknowns, possible dangers lurk. This means we need stories to shed light on these "new places"  Otherwise the  bogey men in our heads prowl at will in the dark of our imaginations.

This must be why and how fear based cultures-like ours-  survive. (And as entrepreneurial as our species is, many have used this fear thinking as a source of profit, wiring the belief into all aspects of current power tripping)  At this level of thinking it appears to be sensible  to stay on the course with the herd than to dare to leap into that unknown abyss. Hey this place sucks, but that place could be even worse than this place.

Okay, this is all brain twisting and iffy, full of that darkness that cloaks shadows and demons -so why even go there?

No crossing the boundary, no risking of punishment, limb loss or verbal attacks, fewer threats of wildy mysteriosos, all this has a certain appeal. The idea of the known makes us feel in control. Even if we have made a mess, many just adjust their caps and focus on the shallows, while preening at their ability to move crumbs.

To further this 'security of knowns" we collect piles of data and repeat patterns that we adjust and call progress in order to fulfill the expectations of the story we hold near and dear. Numbers make us feel good.

Yes that story of civilization  as a linear expression of "we done good." has a lot of appeal. We are adept at making our wrongness look "right." Bring on the editors, the entertainers and the fireworks, as long as we ignore the demons..we are ust fine.

We have designed such elegant landscapes and charming paths. We have set goals, designed vast systems and lengthy formulas, we pretend to this security of crowds and blaspheme the non- believers. The story rules and we WILL prove it.

Until that day we wake up in the place where the monsters are in our faces.. All the hidden demons have grown  large and unruly, protected by the shadows we dared not investigate too closely.  Now we are forced to acknowledge the larger picture. We are there.

A story that started out to organize and protect us can no longer serve. The story that helped us build cities, rockets, atom smashers and lasar tools is now dueling the things we fear the most.  we need to drag it kicking and screaming into the light. We need to lift the veil of fear that covers half the realm of all that is possible in Free Choice. The ghosts and fears of our stories are as teachers. The monsters are just personality aspects that need facing. This is so do-able!

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