Sunday, July 10, 2011

Species on the Verge and Other Works w/POV

This show is a dream come true. That I am already in the process of the next is quite organic. I am thinking this is what it means to "be" while in the process of "becoming."

I am excited to see the installation go up in a real live gallery but because i am seeing it as a way to inform a larger project, my "performance stress" is not so much. This is a cool discovery i wanted to share. It totally affirms the life journey aspect and disses old school goal staticity I also realize that a lot of potential angst is offset by giving space to others. The nurturer iwithin is getting some air time.

I hope to gather multiple points of view to inform next years collaborative city wide, many points of light experience -Title TBA-a few of us are now planning. If interested contact me (Email in the "about me" sidebar entry)

Please see the ad in the Stranger for a long explanation as to why this matters. I think i am narrowing this stuff into some good easy to comprehend sentences. That which is foreign to our usual way of thinking is a hobgoblin to communicate.

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